Archive for the ‘bridal alterations’ Category

Must Knows For A Bride About Wedding Dress Alterations

August 10, 2007

Getting a wedding gown is a complex and lengthy process. And finding a skilled person to alter it is even more difficult. I remember, my best friend Samantha’s wedding was almost ruined because of bad alteration job on her brand new wedding dress.

She made a big mistake in choosing a tailor who was not an expert in handling wedding dress alterations although he did alter other types of garments. As a result, it was a simple massacre of her beautiful wedding gown.

Thanks to all that improper needlework on it, the wedding dress had become even more ill-fitting than before. Every girl wants to look her stunning best on her D-day, but the way that tailor had altered it; her wedding gown was looking as shapeless as a trench coat hanging on a hanger. Oh God! It was a nightmare. Samantha just couldn’t stop crying.

Luckily her mother’s old wedding gown was in good condition. She finally wore that after some minor adjustments on the sleeves. It was a near miracle that saved her.

But that incident has made me realize that it’s always beneficial to gather some information before going in for alterations. In fact not only for bridal dress alterations but alterations for any type of garment.

Particularly for altering your wedding dress, which requires precision and expert handling, don’t take any chances. A bridal dress is way too delicate and intricately designed to be left to amateur hands.

Check out various websites, look up information on where you can find skilled seamstresses in your area and read up some tips on what to check before handing over the dress to the seamstress. Sites such as offer some great tips and easy search options to locate a good seamstress in your neighborhood.

Finding the skilled, professional person to do the job is important, after all bridal alterations is not a child’s play.

Wedding alterations – Avoid the blues

August 1, 2007

Buying a wedding gown is a complex and lengthy process. And finding a skilled person to alter it is even more difficult. I remember, my best friend Samantha’s wedding was almost ruined because of bad alteration of her wedding dress.

She committed the blunder of her life by going to a person who, though good in alterations otherwise, but no expert in handling wedding dress alterations. On seeing her wedding gown, she was in tears. It was so damn ill-fitting. Every girl wants to look her stunning best on her D-day, but the way that tailor had altered her dress, she was looking like a duck in her wedding gown. Oh God! It was a nightmare.

Luckily her mother’s old wedding gown was in good condition. She finally wore that after some minor adjustments on the sleeves. It was a near miracle that saved her.

But that incident has made me realize that it’s always beneficial to gather some information in advance before going for alterations.

I think everyone should do that especially for wedding dress alterations, which requires precision and expert handling. People should check out various websites to get information about skilled seamstresses present in their area before actually going for that dream wedding dress.

Finding the skilled, professional person to do the job is important, after all bridal alterations is not a child’s play.